In the Spotlight

Music and Drama at OLHSL
We offer a variety of after school activities including a large drama club. Students have many performance opportunities throughout the year and perform a large mainstage musical production in the Spring!

Come learn more about our school! Limited spaces are available. We are accepting applications now. Call 410-288-2793 for more information regarding the OLHSL application process.

Schedule a Tour Today!
Ready to explore our Catholic School in Dundalk, MD? If you are interested in finding out what our school has to offer, call the office at 410-288-2793 or inquire today to schedule a private tour of our campus!

Vex Robotics
The Our Lady of Hope/St. Luke School VexIQ Robotics program was started in 2015. Teams have competed in events sponsored by Baltimore County schools as well as in an annual in-school competition.

Running Club
We offer a variety of after school activities including a running club. Students at Our Lady of Hope/St. Luke School have the opportunity to participate in a variety of clubs and extracurricular activities after school.

Soccer/Flag Football sponsored by the OLH Parish
The OLH Athletic Association is sponsored by the parish and provides students with the opportunity to participate in indoor and outdoor soccer.

Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts at OLHSL
Our Lady of Hope Parish sponsors Baltimore Area Council Boy Scouts of America and Cub Scout Pack 354 – Dundalk.

Girl Scouts at OLHSL
Our students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of after school activities including Girl Scouts sponsored by the OLH Parish.