OLHSL Annual Fund
Dear Friend of Catholic Education,
Our Lady of Hope/St. Luke School remains strong in its commitment to provide a quality Catholic education to the children of the Dundalk-Edgemere area and beyond. We celebrate a proud history, providing a continuous Catholic educational setting for the students of our region since 1954. Our Lady of Hope/St. Luke School is the only remaining Catholic school in southeast Baltimore County, and we are committed to our mission. Each year our school family grows as new students arrive making friendships and forming lasting memories.
To accomplish our mission, we need your help. Every gift will make a difference in what we are able to achieve this year. We need to bond together to provide the Catholic education that nurtures a deep love of God, a passion for learning, the calling to learn and the vision to lead. With gratitude for your past support, I ask that you make a donation to this year’s Annual Fund.
Finally, I encourage you to browse our website www.olhsl.com and to visit us on Facebook to catch the Our Lady of Hope/St. Luke School spirit and to see the difference your support makes in the vitality of our school. Celebrate the gift OLH/SLS is to Catholic education, to our families, our church and to the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Thank you for your part in providing this gift as an investment to our present and future.
God Bless,
Sr. Irene Pryle, SSND